EIP-2077: Ethereum Marketing Department

An operation to accelerate Ethereum mindshare, adoption, and growth through strategic brand marketing and promotion

Note: EIP-2077 is not an official EIP, but rather a fictional/satirical example. It is not listed on the official EIP wiki page.


Introduces 2077 Collective (a.k.a. Ethereum’s Unofficial Marketing Department): a community-driven initiative to strengthen the Ethereum brand and onboard new users, builders, and investors through coordinated marketing efforts. The newly formed 2077 Collective rallies the social layer to amplify ETH-focused messages online and fix Ethereum’s current lack of representation in the digital sphere.


The authors of this proposal have identified the following problems with Ethereum's marketing:


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. The 2077 Collective SHALL produce and distribute Ethereum-related content across various formats (video, podcasts, social media posts, blogs, articles, and more) and channels. Content created and disseminated by the 2077 Collective MUST NOT be cringe.

We further define a set of Ethereum marketing functions that SHOULD be implemented by all members of the Ethereum community. Implementers MUST be based and serious about making Ethereum cool, great and fun again. A verbose description of the specification is provided later in this document.

specs   ×
pragma solidity ^0.14.0; operation marketEthereum public () { function fillTheGap() external; function controlTheNarrative() external; function correctTheFocus() external; function promoteEthereumEcosystem() external; }
  • Function ID: fillMarketingGap()


    Fill the marketing and mindset gap in Ethereum


    • Establish consensus on core Ethereum marketing problems
    • Create public good infrastructure to tackle marketing problems
    • Forge working relationships between Ethereum tech community and marketers
  • Function ID: controlTheNarrative()


    Focus Ethereum marketing efforts in the right description


    • Bring more people on-chain by showcasing innovative applications and projects
    • Increase % of developers and businesses building on-chain by publishing case studies and highlighting use-cases
    • Forge working relationships between Ethereum tech community and marketers
  • Function ID: correctTheFocus()


    Focus Ethereum marketing efforts in the right description


    • Increase % of builders in the Ethereum ecosystem
    • Create tools + resources to onboard new users, developers, and businesses to Ethereum.
  • promoteEthereumBrand()


    Proactively promote and defend the Ethereum brand


    • Use 2077 Collective to promote the Ethereum ecosystem—including Ethereum-adjacent projects and protocols—to drive adoption, mindshare, and investment.
    • Market the full breadth of the Ethereum ecosystem and show what it has to offer.
    • Educate users, builders, and businesses about the value proposition of Ethereum infrastructure.


If we wish to spread Ethereum and cypherpunk values to as many people as possible, there must be a coherent effort for the production and distribution of high-quality memes and content promoting Ethereum. This effort must be proactive and reactive to be able to create new narratives while responding to existing critiques or narratives of other blockchain networks. By proactively educating audiences about Ethereum’s value proposition, we can onboard new users, builders, business, and creators to the Ethereum ecosystem.

A community-wide effort to market and promote Ethereum must be coordinated for maximum effectiveness. A central entity like the 2077 Collective creating marketing for Ethereum as a public good will likely be more effective compared to the current architecturally decentralized approach due to increased coordination allowing for the creation and maintenance of a coherent brand.

Backwards Compatibility

This EIP introduces backwards incompatible changes to Ethereum's social layer and must be accompanied by a cultural hard fork. The industry is required to prepare sufficiently for these changes to Ethereum's messaging and promotion.

Security Considerations

This change injects life into Ethereum's marketing engine and is projected to accelerate adoption, usage, and mindshare to significant levels. We foresee a fundamental vibe shift and increased awareness of Ethereum's greatness, awesomeness, and coolness of Ethereum as a result of EIP-2077. Individuals suffering from etherphobia may experience intense bouts of cope, frustration, and liquidation due to prolonged exposure to new Ethereum bangers. Such individuals are advised to limit their exposure to Ethernauts, the 2077 Collective, and cryptocurrency in general.



Copyright and related rights waived via MIT


Please do not cite this document as:

Emmanuel Awosika (@eawosikaa), Olly (@operator_xyz), Lynett.eth (@Lynett0x), and 2077 Collective (@2077Collective), "EIP-2077: Ethereum Marketing Department," Not actually an EIP, no. 2077, May 2024. [Online serial]. Available: 2077.xyz.

Last updated: August 10, 2024